URL短縮サービスのURLを短縮したら まとめ




http://3.ly/URL not permitted, contact support for assistance.
http://is.gd/Sorry, the URL you entered is on our internal blacklist. It may have been used abusively in the past, or it may link to another URL redirection service.
http://x.vu/You can't relink to x.vu, it would cause a rupture in time and space!
http://goo.gl/This URL cannot be shortened. Please try another one. Dismiss
http://snurl.com/Error - please try again!
http://tiny.cc/Sorry, this domain is currently not allowed.
http://yep.it/Banned or not allowed URL address!
http://u.go2.me/Warning: Go2.me cannot be used to create links to u.Go2.me..
http://url.ie/Links to this site are not supported.
http://www.6url.com/Operation Failed!!
http://nsfw.in/The URL you have entered is not allowed.
http://hex.io/Error: A HEX.IO URL cannot point to another URL within hex.io/ .